In today’s cyber threat environment, data is no longer secure, and organizations are at higher risk than ever before, no matter how robust your digital security standards are. Threats, attacks, and vulnerabilities are on the rise year after year and have become increasingly complex.
Recognizing this, we focus on nullifying hackers’ methodologies, even after they’ve gained access to an organization’s systems, to ensure your data remains protected.
95% of cybersecurity breaches are due to human error.
Bad actors use social engineering techniques to exploit human behavior, often resulting in unauthorized access to their victims’ data.
IronShield secure browser isolates your web applications, effectively minimizing the risks and impacts of data breaches.
With the rise of remote and hybrid work models, along with the increasing adoption of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies, standard organizational IT security systems and protocols are no longer sufficient to protect your organization from threats originating from user-based actions.
IronShield secures the entire workflow of employees and fully mitigates the risks associated with human error and exploitation, ensuring security without sacrificing convenience.
IronShield protects your company and its employees from sophisticated threats targeting web applications. We specialize in neutralizing hackers’ capabilities.
Even if a device is compromised, interactions within IronShield’s secure browser remain secure, ensuring that your web applications are safely isolated.
Say goodbye to the endless cat-and-mouse game between endpoint security solutions and hackers. With IronShield, you gain a robust security solution that provides unparalleled protection against cyber threats.
With IronShield’s Policy-Based Browser, you can utilize customizable policies to manage access to websites, set user-specific credentials, and define group permissions directly within your browser’s admin panel. This approach not only secures but also streamlines your operational workflows efficiently.
IronShield browser activity is completely isolated from the user’s device. This approach ensures protection even if your the device is already compromised, keeping your data and SaaS services securely isolated.
IronShield ensures the utmost security by using military grade encryption for all data transmitted between users and your organization’s systems, safeguarding your sensitive information from unauthorized access.
Zero Trust is the key to achieving a holistic security foundation. IronShield features a Zero Trust environment that constantly works to ensure that all users are legitimate, authenticated, and trustworthy.
Gain full control over your organization’s browsing activity with IronShield’s easy deployment. Preset allowed URLs and user credentials, define user roles, groups, and permissions to maintain a secure and compliant browsing environment.